martes, diciembre 12, 2006

He recibido el siguiente e-mail

Y no entiendo nada. Surrealista. Luego me decís de los mensajes nocturnos que os envían... Por cierto Nikolaidis, ponme los de Bola, que cada vez que me acuerdo me meo. Voy en el autobús y la gente debe pensar que me he tomado algo, porque recuerdo frases como "tiene guasa, so guasón", la del piscolabis en no sé que parte y la de "mi niño viajero" y se me escapa la risa. Os dejo el mensaje. Si alguien me lo explica, gracias.
  • See organizing a sculpture projectfor more details. "More links in the Variety News section on EdgeCurve. Call your senator, write to your representative. But in fact, through his assault on the Bill of Rights in our own Constitution, he is weakening democracy. And there was certainly no talk of a draft to provide more manpower for the Army. YYYY Date : Dec 11 2006 Name : Amerossi International Group Ticker : AMSN.PK Price : $0.0006 2-6 Day Trading : $0.006-$0.009 Market Performance : BUY YYYY however, the headline alone just sounded cool. Humanity is unquestionably in need of help. Owen Wilson is best playing an Owen Wilson character, and that's what he does here. President Johnson said a similar thing about the war in Vietnam. Its neurosurgeon protagonist, Henry Perowne, is a "professional reductionist" who cannot appreciate great literature. "More links in the Variety News section on EdgeCurve. Art, design, storytelling, fairy tales by Asbjorn Lonvig. Member ID orE-Mail Address:Password:Forgot Your Password? The major networks have finally woken up and asked that the FCC clearly define what is indecent and when instead of holding different programming to different standards. When they speak, the world listens. Why did it damage the credibility of its secretary of state by sending him to mislead the Security Council so grievously? Novelists are no longer just novelists - they are also global pundits shaping our opinions on everything from art, life and politics to civilisation as we know it. Remember me on this computer. Chuck Klosterman's snarky wit is a joy to read. All three have considered the central dilemma of our time: terror. The book is mainly about TV, music, and movies but ventures off into the McDonald's McNugget-land. There was no talk of rationing. For too long double-standards have ruled the airwaves and censorship has been left up to arbitrary interpretation. See organizing a sculpture projectfor more details. to erect huge metallic sculptures in spectacular places. The implication is that the US is losing the war in Iraq. But the national debt is sky-high, as is the deficit in foreign trade and the international balance of payments. Novelists are no longer just novelists - they are also global pundits shaping our opinions on everything from art, life and politics to civilisation as we know it. Access ErrorHeadline functionality has been disabled from your intranet. Call your senator, write to your representative. It shows and it has links tothose art works that might be relevant to that specific user. Was the whole purpose of this war to get rid of Saddam Hussein? From the most favourable conditions in human history we have generated terror, war and a proliferation of tensions grounded in mutual fear and hatred. Indeed, Amis has issued something of a manifesto on the subject he terms "horrorism". The book is mainly about TV, music, and movies but ventures off into the McDonald's McNugget-land. If too much is defined as indecent, then the free speechers and programming directors will say they are having their rights violated. br Photo found on: www. In their different styles, their approach and opinions define a coherent position.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Mensajes a Boliche Ia parte:

dnd no se pone l sol,vi ts zonas erogemas briyando.era la ducha?no,no era ayi.fue n la kas d kmpo,cn cosas negras.tiene guasa,so guason.tu t toks?dim q si y tndr umedos sueños d medusa.boqerons,salsa y kstañas,mi bok,si,mi bok.ah.mi bok.ah

Anónimo dijo...

Mensajes a boliche IIa parte:

Echa sal y panceta y piscolabis gratis n mi duxo,no puso l pestiyo y entr,n l baño y dspues por dtras.nunk imagin q ts ddos parecieran abetos.baile como1rosqiya n la pelvis d donadoni.mi niño viajero.cantam algo agamos tortitas

Anónimo dijo...

llama a la Interpol